The Wellness Q&A with Elaine Moore

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New labs
Last Post 05 Feb 2024 05:12 PM by Elaine Moore. 1 Replies.
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AlexHUser is Offline New Member New Member Posts:
25 Jan 2024 12:01 PM
    Elaine, thank you so much for your help before and dedication to helping others. You truly are a blessing!

    37yo male

    August 17th at diagnosis of graves

    Free T3 was greater then 13 pg/ml normal range 2.3-4.2

    Free T4 was 5.61 ng/dl normal range .89-1.76

    TSH was less than 0.01 normal range: 0.33 - 4.70 uIU/mL

    Trab was 25.6 IU/L normal range 0.00 - 1.75 IU/L

    November 3rd labs

    Free T3 was 3.5 pg/ml normal range 2.3-4.2

    Free T4 was .7 ng/dl normal range .89-1.76

    TSH was less than 0.01 normal range: 0.33 - 4.70 uIU/mL

    December 6th labs

    Free T3 was 2.7 pg/ml normal range 2.3-4.2

    Free T4 was .45 ng/dl normal range .89-1.76

    TSH was .55 normal range: 0.33 - 4.70 uIU/mL

    December 28th labs

    Free T3 was 3.2 pg/ml normal range 2.3-4.2

    Free T4 was .66 ng/dl normal range .89-1.76

    TSH was 11.98 normal range: 0.33 - 4.70 uIU/mL

    I was on 30mg daily of methimazole from the time of diagnosis until after the November 3rd labs when it was reduced to 25mg daily then reduced once again to 20mg daily after the December 6th labs. As I've been told on here before, symptoms typically go ahead of what labs show. I started feeling hypo symptoms in early November and they have just gotten worse. Much worse in the second half of December. I could hardly even get out of bed and was so fatigued, sore, achy and have daily headaches. Let alone depression.

    After December 28 labs on new years I eliminated methimazole for 3 days then resumed 5mg daily for 4 days then went to 10mg daily at the advice of my doctor. I felt pretty good for about 2 weeks until this week. I am now feeling achy and extra tired again. I'm very sore and my body is slow to recover. I'm feeling much more like I did at the end of the year when I was full hypo

    my most recent labs were on January 24

    Free T3 was 4.2 pg/ml normal range 2.3-4.2

    Free T4 was 1.31 ng/dl normal range .89-1.76

    TSH was .02 normal range: 0.33 - 4.70 uIU/mL

    I'm trying to find the right maintenance dose to keep T4 in the upper end of the range. Am I correct to assume I should reduce my 10mg daily dose to 5mg daily?

    thank you!
    Elaine MooreUser is Offline Veteran Member Veteran Member Posts:4112
    05 Feb 2024 05:12 PM
    Since FT3 is still a bit high and FT4 is suboptimal I'd reduce the dose to 7.5 mg daily. You want to primarily dose based on you FT4 level and you want it to be close to the high end of the reference range. TSH doesn't matter since the antibodies falsely lower this level.
    With your next labs if FT4 is still on the low side and FT3 has fallen you could then reduce to 5 mg daily.
    Best to you and thanks for your kind words, Elaine
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