Graves’ Disease: A Practical Guide

by Elaine Moore with Lisa Moore

McFarland Publishing, Jefferson, NC, 2001. ISBN 978-0-7864-1011-8.


A comprehensive reference discussing thyroid physiology and the immune system defects that lead to the development of Graves' disease and related autoimmune thyroid disorders. Describes both typical and special concerns of patients with GD and their families with an emphasis on the patient's role in the healing process. 

Includes chapters on Graves' ophthalmopathy, acropachy, and pretibial myxedema, alternative and allopathic treatment options, autoantibodies and related autoimmune disorders, the genetic basic of autoimmune thyroid disease, environmental triggers, associated hypothyroidism, anecdotal treatment outcomes, and special considerations in pregnant women, children and teens. 

For both the newly diagnosed Graves' disease patient and the long-term Graves' patients who are in remission or permanently hypothyroid.300 page reference text, with illustrations, notes, glossary and index with all the information anyone with Graves' disease needs, both during the active phase of the disease and for the years following remission.

Graves' Disease and Autoimmune Disease Education
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