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The Wellness Blog with Elaine Moore

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Elaine Moore's Blog
Elaine Moore
300 82633 12/5/2020

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Term: graves' disease
9 post(s)
Author: Elaine Moore's Blog Created: 8/6/2008
Topics, tips, general information, controversies and commentaries on a variety of health topics, by Elaine Moore.

Why the TSH result can be misleading

By Elaine Moore on 9/19/2019
Problems interpreting the TSH result have many causes. This article explains some of the reasons.
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
glandular thyroid replacement hormone
graves' disease
T3 replacement hormone
TSH test erratic results
TSH test result

Low Vitamin D levels Associated with Relapses in Graves Disease

By Elaine Moore on 2/1/2018
Researchers report that low vitamin D levels might be an independent risk factor for relapses.
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News
graves' disease
vitamin D

Seasonal Allergies Can Trigger Relapse in Autoimmune Diseases

By Elaine Moore on 8/24/2016
As IgE levels rise in response to allergic rhinitis, autoantibody levels rise, triggering relapses.
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News
BACH2 gene
gene therapy
graves' disease
type 1 diabetes

A New Plant Immunomodulator

By Elaine Moore on 4/17/2013

Tinospora cordifolia joins the list.

Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
environmental triggers
graves' disease

Thyroid Eye Disease Resource

By Elaine Moore on 2/9/2013

Information on TED and Reconstructive Therapies

eye disease
graves' disease

Reducing Inflammation in Graves' Disease and Other Autoimmune Disorders

By Elaine Moore on 10/22/2012

Often unseen, inflammation is the underlying cause.

Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
graves' disease

Hyperthyroidism Course Resurrected

By Elaine Moore on 9/5/2012

Learn about Hyperthyroidism and Its Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Graves' Disease
graves' disease

Is it Graves' Disease or Subacute Thyroiditis?

By Elaine Moore on 9/3/2012

TSH receptor antibodies can occur in this thyroid disorder.

Iodine and Graves' Remission

By Elaine Moore on 8/8/2012

There's still a need to avoid iodine after remission

Graves' Disease
graves' disease

Graves' Disease and Autoimmune Disease Education
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