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The Wellness Blog with Elaine Moore

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Elaine Moore's Blog
Elaine Moore
300 82735 12/5/2020

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Main Blog

Term: Environmental influences
36 post(s)
Author: Elaine Moore's Blog Created: 8/6/2008
Topics, tips, general information, controversies and commentaries on a variety of health topics, by Elaine Moore.

Healthy Aging Series

By Elaine Moore on 12/5/2020

My Healthy Aging Series focuses on preventive medicine as well as treatments for the many diseases associated with Aging. 

Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News
Covid Alzheimers disease cancer

Staying Safe During Covid-19

By Elaine Moore on 11/23/2020

How to stay safe during the Covid pandemic 

Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Research News
Autoimmune thyroid disease Covid-19 pandemic

Finding Articles Here

By Elaine Moore on 1/5/2020
finding archived articles
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News
health articles
thyroid diseases

Antiphospholipid Syndrome and the Microbiome

By Elaine Moore on 6/23/2019
Many different autoimmune diseases have a close association with gut microbes. Eradicating the responsible microbe can lead to a cure.
Autoimmune diseases
Research News
antiphospholipid syndrome
gut microbes
Roseburia intestinalis

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autoimmune Disease

By Elaine Moore on 2/23/2019
Mitochondrial dysfunction can cause and worsen symptoms in autoimmune disease. Supplements can help.
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Research News
autoimmune disease
autoimmune thyroid disease
graves disease
mitochondrial dysfunction

Clues to Understanding Autoimmune Disease

By Elaine Moore on 8/19/2018
While we're all unique individuals, we've developed autoimmune disease due to certain genetic and environmental factors. Studying various theories along with our genetic profile can help us gain and understanding of what happened and what we can do to halt the process.
Autoimmune diseases
Research News
autoimmune disease triggers
DNA raw data
Plant Paradox

Cell Mitochondria VS TSH Values

By Elaine Moore on 4/18/2018
Because most thyroid disorders are acquired, Austrian researchers explain why various elements such as magnesium and iron play an important role in both thyroid and ovarian disorders. Disrupted feedback mechanisms may not be the cause of these diseases but rather a result of mitochondrial dysfunction.
Alternative medicine
Graves' Disease
Research News
ovarian disorders
thyroid disease

Low Vitamin D levels Associated with Relapses in Graves Disease

By Elaine Moore on 2/1/2018
Researchers report that low vitamin D levels might be an independent risk factor for relapses.
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News
graves' disease
vitamin D

Autoimmune Component in Parkinson's Disease Found

By Elaine Moore on 8/23/2017
Recent studies indicate that autoimmunity plays a major role in the development of Parkinson's disease.
Autoimmune diseases
Research News
antiganglioside antibodies
autoimmune disease
guillain-barre syndrome
parkinson's disease

Gluten or Emulsifiers in Leaky Gut Syndrome?

By Elaine Moore on 1/31/2017
A new book explains that many people with IBS and other conditions may be reacting to emulsifiers rather than gluten
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News

Graves' Disease and Autoimmune Disease Education
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