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The Wellness Blog with Elaine Moore

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Elaine Moore's Blog
Elaine Moore
300 82735 12/5/2020

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Main Blog

Term: Alternative medicine
99 post(s)
Author: Elaine Moore's Blog Created: 8/6/2008
Topics, tips, general information, controversies and commentaries on a variety of health topics, by Elaine Moore.

Healthy Aging Series

By Elaine Moore on 12/5/2020

My Healthy Aging Series focuses on preventive medicine as well as treatments for the many diseases associated with Aging. 

Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News
Covid Alzheimers disease cancer

Staying Safe During Covid-19

By Elaine Moore on 11/23/2020

How to stay safe during the Covid pandemic 

Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Research News
Autoimmune thyroid disease Covid-19 pandemic

LDN and Ketamine COVID-19 Trial

By Elaine Moore on 5/8/2020
Low dose naltrexone (LDN) and ketamine are being study as potential therapies in Covid-19

Finding Articles Here

By Elaine Moore on 1/5/2020
finding archived articles
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News
health articles
thyroid diseases

Lowering Thyroid Antibodies with Cordyceps Mushrooms

By Elaine Moore on 11/17/2019
A drug produced from Cordyceps has been found to lower thyroid antibodies
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autoimmune Disease

By Elaine Moore on 2/23/2019
Mitochondrial dysfunction can cause and worsen symptoms in autoimmune disease. Supplements can help.
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Research News
autoimmune disease
autoimmune thyroid disease
graves disease
mitochondrial dysfunction

Cell Mitochondria VS TSH Values

By Elaine Moore on 4/18/2018
Because most thyroid disorders are acquired, Austrian researchers explain why various elements such as magnesium and iron play an important role in both thyroid and ovarian disorders. Disrupted feedback mechanisms may not be the cause of these diseases but rather a result of mitochondrial dysfunction.
Alternative medicine
Graves' Disease
Research News
ovarian disorders
thyroid disease

Shingles and Autoimmune Disease

By Elaine Moore on 3/8/2018
With increased susceptibility for us, the shingles vaccine might not be a bad idea.
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
chicken pox
varicella zoster

Low Vitamin D levels Associated with Relapses in Graves Disease

By Elaine Moore on 2/1/2018
Researchers report that low vitamin D levels might be an independent risk factor for relapses.
Alternative medicine
Autoimmune diseases
Graves' Disease
Research News
graves' disease
vitamin D

Vitamin D and Thyroid Antibodies

By Elaine Moore on 4/1/2017
A recent study shows that thyroid antibodies decrease in people with low vitamin D levels who start D3 supplementatio.
Alternative medicine
Graves' Disease
Research News
hashimotos thyroiditis
thyroglobulin antibodies
TPO antibodies
vitamin D
vitamin D insufficiency

Graves' Disease and Autoimmune Disease Education
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